Where Can I Find Scholarships?



where-can-i-find-college-scholarships_2 The number one question I get asked when conducting workshops and talking to students  is,” where can I find scholarships?”  Yes, we know there are scholarships “out there” but how exactly do you find them? There is so much information available it is overwhelming for some, making it difficult for them to begin the process.

Scholarshopmom has come across a great resource that will help you “shop” for scholarship opportunities.  This resource requires no sign up or other personal information.  All you need to do is click and go.

The website includes scholarships for the following students:  Elementary, Middle School, High School Freshman, Sophomore, Juniors and Seniors,  College students, Graduate students and Non-traditional students.

You can also search scholarships in the following categories:  Major, Minority, International students, Athletes, Gender, Military, LGBTQ,  Parents, and Religious.

If you want  one-stop shopping for scholarships check out JLV College Counseling.


Good luck!



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