Once you have confirmed acceptance to the college you plan to attend, the Financial Aid office may select the information you submitted on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for verification. Verification is the process your college uses to confirm that the data reported on the FAFSA is correct.
Approximately 33% of applications submitted will be selected for verification. This can occur randomly or may be triggered by red flags. Examples of red flags are: not filing a tax return, but reporting income that is above the IRS threshold, reporting no money but accruing interest and missing or inconsistent information.
Using the IRS Data Retrieval Tool will lessen your chances of being selected for verification. Selection doesn’t mean you have done anything wrong, but you should send the information as soon as requested. Not doing so can delay your award and your ability to register for classes.
An asterisk (*) by the Expected Family Contribution amount on the Student Aid Report means selection for verification. Also, be sure to check your emails for the requested information and confirm the deadline for submission.