College Search

Help you find the best academic and financial fit.

Scholarship Matching

Research and match scholarships to your unique qualities, academics, interests, and talent.


College and scholarship essays.

Financial Aid Consultation

FAFSA completion, Financial Aid Options,  Award Letter analysis.

We also provide workshops on demand:

Parent Engagement Workshop Topics

  • How to Obtain a Debt Free Education
  • What You Need to Know About Financial Aid
  • Scholarship Tips and Strategies
  • Show Me the Money
  • Are you FAFSA Ready
  • Stem-U-Lating Careers
  • Scholarships for Middle School Students
  • How to Help Your Child Become College, Career and Scholarship Ready
  • College Scholarship and Essay Writing-Do You Have the Write Stuff

Some Scholarship Tips from SCHOlarshopmom

  • Check and like my Facebook fan page and @scholarshopmom on Twitter and Instagram for scholarship postings for high school, undergrads, and college students.
  • Check the scholarship link on college websites for institutional scholarships that match your academic criteria.    This is where you can find partial and full tuition offers.  If the scholarship link is not on the main page, check the financial aid page or use the search box.
  • Applying for scholarships is like  having a part-time job.   The more time you spend in researching, the more scholarships you will find that match your criteria.   Don’t know of too many part-time jobs that will net you half or full tuiton.  Get busy.
  • Make sure you take advantage of the opportunity to meet with college representatives that come to your school.  Ask them specifically about the scholarships  that are offered and if you qualify.
  • Check college websites to determine when they are traveling on the road and when they will be in your area.  Face to face connections are important in your college search.
  • Letters of recommendation  for college can also be used for scholarships.  Just have your recommender print out an additional letter referencing your scholarship organization.
  • Plan to take the ACT or SAT at least 3 times during your sophomore and junior year.  Colleges accept the highest score.  The higher your score, the more money you are eligible for.
  • When requesting a college letter of recommendation from your teacher or counselor also have them address a copy of the letter that states ” I recommend_____ for your scholarship program”  or  to your particular scholarship organization.  Most scholarship organizations will ask for 2-3 letters of recommendation.  In most cases you will be able to use the same letter for college and scholarships.
  • Check your guidance office for local and community based scholarships.
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