There are scholarships for continuing college students. I find that too many current college students go to the Financial Aid Office to take out more loans, adding to their debt burden rather than taking the time to research scholarships. Additional scholarships are found at the institution the student attends and from outside organizations.
Freshman come into college thinking the scholarship search ended once they graduated from high school-nothing could be further from the truth. In my 15 years of researching scholarships I have noticed a trend of more scholarship opportunities for college sophomores, juniors and graduate students. These scholarships should be researched in your junior and senior year of high school. Colleges have a scholarship page which lists institutional and departmental scholarships and the requirements for receiving them. Generally, they require a 3.0 GPA. Scholarships received during college can be applied to your outstanding loan balance reducing the amount you owe after graduation.
Where should you look for these scholarships?
- Check your school’s departmental major website page
- Financial Aid Office
- Follow Scholarshopmom Facebook and Twitter
- If all else fails, Google.